San Diego Seaplanes

Check out the links below for some WaterWorld movie clips and see our seaplane in action pulling 4 waterskiers and attacking the floating atoll.  (Hey KIDS, get your parents permission FIRST !  In the movie clip there are guns, explosions and mean guys trying to kill people, bad words  . . . all the sick stuff you like to watch, but get your parents' permission FIRST.  IF YOU ARE UNDER 14 years old then DO NOT WATCH the movie clips until you get older, Thanks):

Click here to see the WaterWorld seaplane pulling waterskiiers while flying.

Clik here to see the WaterWorld Seaplane in a battle with Kevin Costner in his sailboat.

To see the Waterworld Movie Trailer, go to Kevin Costner's website and click on the year 1995:

Sunset flights are a big favorite:

More movie clips with San Diego Seaplanes flying will be posted soon.